Membership Form


Benefits of Joining NSA

  • Discounts on attending seminar or workshop organized by NSA.
  • Discounts on STEM books, modules and kits.
  • Discounts on STEM study tour locally and Internationally.
  • Discounts on STEM equipment.
  • Discounts on Networking with STEM-based Industries.

Membership Application / Renewal Fees

  • Registration Fees : RM10.00 (Only once)
  • Annual/Renewal Fees : RM50.00 
  • Life-time Fees: RM350.00
  • Process within 1 (ONE) month.

Ordinary Membership

We welcome new members to help mobilize the association. The requirements to become a member are as follows:

i.   Citizenship: Malaysia
ii.  Minimum Age: 18 Years
iii. Area / State Member’s Residence: Malaysia
iv. Races: All
v.  Gender: Male/Female
vi. Religion: All

Application for membership must be proposed and supported by a registered member. In conjunction, NSA committee may reject an application at its discretion without assigning any reason.